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Watlington Community Primary School

Internet Safety Day 2023

Tuesday 7th February 2023

Safer Internet Day!

The children all completed various tasks about how to stay safe online. We discussed the positives around using the Internet but also spent time thinking about and discussing the issues. Some classes led activities mostly through talking about experiences online, linking with this year’s theme; ‘Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online.’ Other classes used these discussions to design persuasive posters and some wrote letters to a child who was in a tricky situation online and needed advice on what to do.

I also delivered an assembly where the children shared what they do online, what we need to do if we encounter something we don’t like online and how to share what we are doing online.

This Safer Internet Day, I encourage you as parents and carers to make it part of your daily routine to discuss what the children are doing online. This could be a positive conversation about what they have done? Who have they been playing with? What was the best part? Can they show you how they’ve done that particular thing? This will begin getting children sharing more about what they are doing and encouraging them to share.

One concern I found during the day was that although many children know how to deal with things online by using things such as the block feature, only a few actually tell an adult. One child even said “I didn’t tell them because they were on an online course and I couldn’t interrupt them.”

Children have been reminded of other services they can talk to such as Childline, but we also have this feature on our website too. This will come through to school and the next school day we will find the child to talk to them about their worry. This can be about worry not just online issues.